Survey Request Process

Submitting Surveys

  • The PI must be an SREI member.
  • An IRB exempt status or indication of IRB approval must be provided.
  • A concise description of the background and hypothesis should be provided (limit 1 page).
  • Preference will be given to surveys/proposals that:
    • Endeavor to answer a hypothesis-driven, relevant research question, i.e. have scientific merit
    • Have the potential to elucidate practice patterns, knowledge, and/or attitudes that are relevant to optimizing patient care and/or training in the field of REI
    • Include a clear and detailed analysis and publication plan
    • Have a reasonable chance of being published
    • Describe what efforts have been made at survey validation
    • Are clear, non-repetitive, and short (5-10 minutes to complete)
  • Surveys will be reviewed by the SREI Research Committee and final support will be decided by the SREI Board.
  • A Word or PDF version of the survey should be provided for review (rather than only a link to the active webform version of the survey.)
  • Not all surveys will be approved, in order to avoid overburdening the membership. Target number of surveys to be disseminated is six or fewer per year.
  • Surveys will be reviewed four times per year. Deadlines for submission to are:
    • Jan 1, Apr 1, July 1 and Oct 1. Decisions will be made within 30 days, and dissemination to SREI membership within 60 days, of these deadlines.
  • Resulting manuscripts and abstracts should be reviewed by the SREI research committee prior to submission for publication. Turnaround time will be as short as possible and within two weeks.